Tennessee Volunteers

News update:Bru McCoy just fired his agent after confirming this

Bru McCoy stood in the corner of his sparsely furnished apartment, staring out the window at the city skyline. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow across the buildings, but inside him, a storm was brewing. His phone buzzed on the table, and he knew it was his agent, Rick. They had been working together for a while, but lately, Bru felt something was off.

Rick’s voice echoed in his mind: “Trust me, Bru. This is how you get to the top.” But the latest contract offer had left him feeling undervalued, and Rick had brushed off his concerns as just part of the game.

Taking a deep breath, Bru picked up the phone. He hesitated for a moment before dialing Rick’s number. It rang twice before Rick answered, his voice upbeat.

“Bru! Got great news about that sponsorship deal. We can negotiate hard on this!”

“Rick, we need to talk.”

The tone shifted immediately. “Sure, what’s up?”

“I feel like you’re not really listening to me anymore. I want to be taken seriously, and I don’t think you’ve been doing that.”

Silence on the other end felt heavy. “What do you mean? I’ve always had your best interests at heart.”

“Do you? Because right now, it feels like you’re more interested in your cut than in what’s best for me.”

Rick sighed, the frustration seeping through the phone. “Come on, Bru. I’m in this to help you. You’ve got to trust the process.”

“That’s just it, Rick. I don’t trust the process anymore. I need someone who sees my worth beyond just numbers on a contract.”

A pause. “Are you firing me?”

“Yeah, I am. I need someone who believes in me as a player and a person, not just as a paycheck.”

Rick’s voice turned cold. “You’ll regret this. It’s a mistake.”

Bru hung up, the finality of it all settling in. He felt a rush of relief mixed with uncertainty. As the sun dipped below the horizon, he turned away from the window. The city was vast and full of possibilities, and he was ready to carve out his own path. It was time to take control of his career, one bold step at a time.

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