An Update on the Bailey Kroone and Haiden Deegan Crash….
An Update on the Bailey Kroone and Haiden Deegan Crash
Bailey Kroone had a nasty crash during the second Moto at RedBud on Saturday, which resulted in Haiden Deegan landing on his bike and having a bad crash for himself.
We reached out to Kroone this afternoon to get an update on his condition and he told us that he does have a fractured tibia plateau that will need surgery. He has more scans coming up in the next couple of days to see if his knee has any other damages to it.
Kroone said that he hit false neutral on the face of the jump and the kicker pitched him forward, thus the jumping through the bars situation. He said that he will post an update as soon as he learns more about his injuries. It was also cool to hear that MX Sports also reached out to
Kroone via Davey Coombs to check on him as well. I thought that was very classy, but that is what Davey is known for. DC is always on top of everything! We wish him well in his recovery and we will keep checking on him.