Wolverines 247sports

Newest report:Jim Harbaugh Leverage Wolverines as negotiations continues

Jim Harbaugh interviewed for two NFL head coach jobs last week, and he is reportedly planning to meet with both teams a second time.

Tom Peliserro of NFL Network reported over the weekend that Harbaugh has scheduled a second interview with the Atlanta Falcons. The same is true for the Los Angeles Charg

Harbaugh has been negotiating a contract extension with Michigan as he continues to explore NFL opportunities. There has been some speculation that he could be using the NFL interviews as leverage against Michigan. If that is the case, Harbaugh is doing a very good job of selling it.

If Harbaugh does remain at Michigan, he reportedly wants language in his contract that protects him from punishment related to the NCAA’s two ongoing investigations involving the Wolverines. It is unclear how open Michigan is to fulfilling that demand, so that could be a factor in whether or not Harbaugh returns to the NFL.

This is the third consecutive offseason that Harbaugh has met with NFL teams. The interest in him seems legitimate, but time will tell if it was mutual.

The Buffalo Bills were accused of engaging in some funny business after their loss to the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, but a local official says the allegation is completely false. Kansas City advanced to the AFC Championship Game with

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